Meet the bands of Baker Music Barn

Kind King

Birdland (Weather Report Cover)

Kind King

The Megalomaniac

Kind King

The Windows of the Skull

Zion Rodman

Sold out show at The Burren

ZIon Rodman

Sold out show at The Burren

Zion Rodman

Sold out show at The Burren


One of the first bands to form and book a regular weekly night at Baker Music Barn.


Watching them unfold beyond the amazing talented musicians they already were into a cohesive group has been a magical experience.


Make sure to visit their website and catch a show.

Barnfest 2024 - another beautiful day of live music.

A few of the performers from Barnfest'24

James & Yvie Schermerhorn @ Barnfest'24

Tessa Huston Fuller & Yvie Schermerhorn

The Baker Music Barn is a collective of amateur and professional musicians who gather at The Barn to create music, collaborate with other musicians, record and perform live music.




Barnfest 2023

The first Barnfest was so much fun we decided to do it again!

Barnfest 2022

Stars were born here...

Humble beginnings starting with an 1880's barn built by George Baker

Ladder access only

Heat? What heat?

Play upbeat songs to stay warm

Lighting is everything

Contact us: 

Scan the QR codes below to help support the Musicians & Baker Music Barn set-up crew!